Glaucoma - The Silent Thief of Vision
Glaucoma is a type of optic neuropathy in which eye pressure is too high for the eye to tolerate causing slow progressive damage to the optic nerve. In the majority of cases, the pressure is never high enough to cause pain or discomfort so individual has no idea anything is wrong until vision loss begins. There are many risk factors for glaucona, including age, having diabetes, having a family memeber with glaucoma and even blunt trauma to the eye Dont let age fool you, there is such a conditon juvenlie Glaucoma.
We take a 3 pronged approach to screening for glaucoma checking eye pressure, evaluation optic nerve helth with the optomap Retinal scanner and a visual feild test Because glaucoma is not yet curable, but it is treatable, early detection and intervention are crucial to reducing eye pressure to prevent or slow down damage to the optic nerve and prevent blindness.
The first line of defense for glaucoma treatment is the use of prescription eye drops to lower eye pressure. Your Doctors of Optometry at Burbank Optometric Center are Board Certified to diagnose and treat glaucoma. if your type of glaucoma looks like you would be a surgical candidate our doctor will refer you to a glaucoma surgeon.

Cataracts cause a clouding of the lens in the eye, making your vision appear to be foggy. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over 40 and are the leading cause of blindness in the world.
Your eyes are meant to naturally adjust to normal light changes, adjust focus, and allow us to see both near and far. Your lens is primarily made up of water and proteins. The proper arrangement of these proteins is what contributes to normal vision. Some of these proteins clump together forming a clouding of the lens. During the initial stages, cataracts start small and have little to no effect on your vision. As the cataracts progress, the lens becomes opaquer and objects appear blurry, hazy or faded in color. During your appointment, we will discuss the various treatment options available.
Because cataracts are the acumulation of decades of UV light exposure, sun protection for your eyes makes good eye care sense, not just good sense!

Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy causes problems with the integrity of the blood vessel walls causing bleeding and fluid leakage. When this occurs close to the macula the pateint will notice distorted vision.
People with all types of diabetes (type 1, type 2, and gestational) are at risk for diabetic retinopathy. In the early stages of diabetic retinopathy patients usually have no symptoms; the disease often progresses unnoticed until it begins to affect your vision. If you have diabetes and have not had an eye exam, we strongly recommend scheduling an appointment. If you are experiencing symptoms associated with diabetic retinopathy, we advise scheduling an appointment right away.

Dry eye
Ocular Surface Disease, also known as dry eye, can occur from certain medications, naturally by aging, or as a symptom arising from systemic diseases such as Sjogren’s syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, or Lupus. In todays tech driven world, dry eye is also very common when repeatedly starting at an electronic device. Studies say that we blink 60% less often in front of any kind of screen. If you have a minor case of dry eye, you may be experiencing irritation, excessive tearing, fluctuating vision, and/or a burning sensation in your eyes. Excessive dry eyes, or dry eye symptoms that go untreated, have the potential to damage eye tissue, scar your corneas, and impair your vision.
Treatment options vary depending on the severity. And can include over the counter artifical tears, eyelid hygeine, fish oil supplements and prescription eyedrop or punctal plugs. While dry eyes cannot be cured, there are various ways to soften or lessen your symptoms. During your appointment, we will discuss the treatment options that best fits your needs.

Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is the deterioration of the Macula, the central portion of our vision. It is this inner layer of the eye that records the images we see and sends them through the optic nerve from the eye to the brain for processing. The macula is responsible for focusing central vision, processing color vision and controls our ability to see and process information.
Although macular degeneration can occur naturally through old age and genetics, living an unhealthy lifestyle increases your probability of developing macular degeneration unprotected exposure to UV light smoking, being overweight, and exposure to blue light play a crucial role in the likelihood of being diagnosed with this disease.
Recent research has identified abnormal dark adaption as a biomarker for sub clinical macular degeneration. Symptoms of poor dark adaption can include glare at night and poor night vision. At Burbank Optometric center we have the technology to test for dark adaption abnormalities with the maculogic’s Adapt DX. Don’t wait until you show signs of macular degenerations or start to lose vision! let us test you and educate you on how you can Maculogic’s Adapt DX. Don’t wait until you show signs of macular degenration or start to lose vision! Let us test you and educate you on how you can slow down the onset of macular degeneration.